[K12OSN] Interesting KDE issue...

"Terrell Prudé, Jr." microman at cmosnetworks.com
Mon Sep 6 14:40:51 UTC 2004

Calvin Park wrote:

>Just thought I'd tell a little story about an error I just encountered. 
>One of our students was playing with his desktop settings and clicked
>the option for KDEWebDesktop under advanced options. When he applied the
>setting a cookie request popped up. He, thinking the cookie would be a
>bad thing to accept, rejected it and his screen just kindda flickered
>and displayed a bunch of odd colors. I just deleted the whole .mozilla
>directory (it wouldn't let him log back in, every time he tried the same
>color thing happened). My solution was probably a bit dirty, but it
>accomplished the task. Just an interesting issue that I thought I'd let
>everyone know about.

That is interesting...which version of KDE was this?  Also, did you 
hard-reboot his terminal, by any chance?

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