[K12OSN] Off-topic: SuSE Linux 9.2, LTSP, and MS Exchange Server

"Terrell Prudé, Jr." microman at cmosnetworks.com
Fri Jan 7 00:05:20 UTC 2005

Les Mikesell wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 20:19, "Terrell Prudé, Jr." wrote:
>>Professional also makes a *terrific* desktop for typical Windows users.  
>>The GUI administration tools that come with it are, I find, really 
>>good.  But for our purposes, there's a problem.  SuSE 9.2 Pro, though it 
>>comes with the slick new Evolution 2.0, does not come with the Evolution 
>>Connector that lets you talk to MS Exchange 2000/2003 groupware 
>Is there something specific you like better than FC3/k12ltsp4.2
>which includes a connector-enabled Evolution 2.0 out of the
>>This would also be a low-cost way to set up the staff on the LTSP 
>You should point out that the connector requires Exchange 2000 or
>later.  It won't work if you are still running 5.x, although
>you may be able to get email if the pop/imap interface is
>enabled on the server.

I haven't yet played with the FC3 edition of K12LTSP, so I didn't know 
it too includes the Connector.  Thanks for that tip.  And you're quite 
correct that the Connector works only with Exchange Server 2000 or 
newer; only POP/IMAP email works with 5.5.

The other issue is comfort of migration to GNU/Linux.  I've found that 
Windows-using adults seem to initially respond to "stock" KDE better 
than they do Bluecurve, because it looks more "Windows-y."  Mac users, 
in my experience, respond initially to Bluecurve somewhat better.  For 
those who might balk at Fedora's Bluecurve interface (there are, sadly, 
some), it could help convert them over as well.  Additionally, for 
school districts like mine that want to do wireless everywhere, SuSE 
9.2's wireless config tools totally kick.  After working on their 
LTSP-ifyed thin clients, they might well ask, "this is easy, can I have 
this on my wireless laptop too?"  The answer is yes.  Of course, if the 
FC3 wireless config tools are just as easy (haven't yet tried it), then 
there is no particular advantage there.

Mind you, I'm speaking about the adults, not the kids.  As we all know, 
kids tend to be much, much more adaptable and open-minded than the 

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