[K12OSN] Installing Moodle, MySql, and PHP

Robert Arkiletian robark at telus.net
Sun Jan 30 20:14:32 UTC 2005

Robert Lefebvre wrote:

>I'm a newbie (that will become obvious) and I'm trying to get Moodle
>(a php-mysql based script) to run on K12. I didn't see any sign of
>Mysql or Php being on the original install but I don't know my way
>around yet to say that for sure. I downloaded MySql, PHP, and Moodle
>and unpacked them to usr/local/src. Then I'm not sure what I did but I
>seem to remember placing a code in the terminal that told me both were

I would also recommend you using yum. But I think php, mysql and apache 
should have been already installed. You can check like this
as root

#rpm -qa | less

then type "/" to search for mysql or php etc...
BTW php needs a security update which has not come down the pipe yet. To 
update your installation type

#yum check-update
#yum update

A step by step install instruction for moodle is at 
http://moodle.org/doc/ under apache,mysql, php. Choose redhat distro
Good luck.


Robert Arkiletian
C++ GUI tutorial http://fltk.org/links.php?V19+Q

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