[K12OSN] Pesky GPG Key thing. . .

Doug Simpson simpsond at leopards.k12.ar.us
Thu Jul 14 23:35:42 UTC 2005

How the heqq do you fix that danged pesky gpg key thing in Fedora Core 1?

I have a server that won't run what I need it to run with the newer 
versions on it so I went back to FC1 and it works.  But apt won't work 
right because it says the keys or wrong or some crap.

This is always a problem for me. . .Is it just me or is it always a 


P.S. I can manually go into the /var/cache/apt/archives directory and 
install the RPMs it has in there but that is a pain. And it warns about 
the key that way, too, even though it still installs the stuff.

Doug Simpson
Technology Specialist
DeQueen Public Schools
DeQueen, AR 71832
simpsond at leopards.k12.ar.us
Tux for President!

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