[K12OSN] OT? Fixing an Open Proxy

John Baillie jbaillie at stmarys-school.org
Sat Jun 4 06:45:52 UTC 2005

Debbie Schiel Wrote:

From: Debbie Schiel <debbie redeemer qld edu au>
      * To: k12osn redhat com
      * Subject: [K12OSN] OT? Fixing an Open Proxy
      * Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 15:11:08 +1000

Hi all,

Now that we have our webserver with static IP available for teachers and the
rest of the world to see, I've found that 1. Our broadband internet access from
school has slowed down to dial-up speeds, and 2. Staff are complaining that
collegues aren't receiving email.

Upon investigation I've found that our IP address is listed on opm.blitzed.org
and many others which apparently means that some charming people out there are
using our naive school server as a spam machine!

They say I have to fix my open proxy, and provide information that goes way over
my head. Can anyone provide a simple HOWTO for fixing an open proxy?

Thank you.

Best regards,



Can you give us a little information about the server? What OS, Version #s, etc.
Do you use the server for tasks other than web services?

Here is some info:


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