[K12OSN] K12LTSP on a Mac! See the proof in the pics here!

David Trask dtrask at vcs.u52.k12.me.us
Tue Mar 15 16:00:18 UTC 2005

This is a post I made to another list, but the info is still pretty
cool....I've tested it with my own iBook and will test other machines


The link above shows some truly amazing pictures!  It is now possible to
boot a Mac as a Linux thin-client!  Why would you want to do this?  Just
imagine...You have a lab full of new Mac Mini's (or whatever you already
have)....they can run OS X via the local HD or netboot from an OS X
server....OR....they can run Linux via a K12LTSP server....OR ...they can
run Windows via a Windows Terminal Server using either the free RDP client
or using rdesktop from the Linux session. How cool is that? The Mac is the
only piece of hardware at the moment that can run all three OS's like
that.  So now you're not tied to one OS or teaching one OS...your students
can truly become OS agnostic and simply learn how to work with "any"
computer...and given that it's a thin-client environment you actually
decrease your time spent on workstation management since everything is on
one machine...the server.  Very cool...and the implications are very far
reaching.  Now you can squeeze new life out of old hardware by making it
into a thin-client.  We will be demoing this and other Open Source
Mac/Linux stuff at the Northeast Linux conference in June....come and
learn more!  For more info...  http://www.trasksinc.com/NELS    In the
meantime click the link at the top and check out the pics!

David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Coordinator
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at vcs.u52.k12.me.us

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