[K12OSN] Second test build of K12LTSP 4.2.1

Eric Harrison eharrison at mail.mesd.k12.or.us
Wed Mar 23 00:25:18 UTC 2005

I have uploaded the second test build of K12LTSP 4.2.1. In addition to 
support for PPC terminals, this build adds/changes:

     * Fedora Extras yum repository enabled by default
     * process for deleting terminal's swap files
     * added /etc/profile.d/ulimit.sh to prevent students from taking
       down a terminal server
     * SchoolBell  (not yet installed by default)

If you test this, PLEASE provide feedback! In specific, please post
your experiences (good and bad!) on:

     * PPC support. What models you tried & if they worked or not
     * Fedora Extras yum repository, any problems/conflicts?
     * Are the limits too high or too low?

The ISO images are availible at:

      rsync -Pav k12linux.mesd.k12.or.us::testing/4.2.1/ .

I'll create a yum/up2date/apt-get repository in the near future,
but at this point I'd really prefer if the ISO's install/update
code was tested.


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