[K12OSN] Defending education usage for k12ltsp

Dan Kegel daniel.r.kegel at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 21:18:42 UTC 2005

On 10/25/05, Joseph Bishay <joseph.bishay at gmail.com> wrote:
> First she came loaded with a stck of Reader-rabbit and other
> multimedia CDs from the 1990s.     We started talking about the
> requirements for the students and the school, and after getting a list
> of them, I went through all the software that was already installed on
> the server, plus the websites that someone suggested (they are great,
> BTW).  By the end of it, she was convinced that the lab is fine as is.
>  The windows machines that they had brought in will be deployed in the
> classrooms as standalone machines for those games

Can you give me a list of the Windows games that will be running
on those standalone machines?


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