[K12OSN] State of K12LTSP usefullness in your school

Robert Arkiletian robark at gmail.com
Sat May 17 16:25:36 UTC 2008

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 9:41 PM, Mark Lindman <mlindman at charter.net> wrote:
> There's more to tell, but I'm out of time tonight. Bottom line, without
> LTSP, and really K12LTSP, there would be no supportable student
> environment at the school. It's being used now by both teachers and
> students from many other classes.
> A huge "Thank you" for the untold hours. You'll likely never know this
> side of heaven how many folks your work has impacted.

Not to little the work others have done, but just to clarify, Eric
Harrison is the maintainer of K12LTSP. However he has currently
shifted his efforts to help Fedora begin the development of K12LINUX.

Robert Arkiletian
Eric Hamber Secondary, Vancouver, Canada
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