[K12OSN] Virtualized Windows on K12LTSP

Barry R Cisna brcisna at eazylivin.net
Sun May 25 02:50:53 UTC 2008

Hi Nils,

Not to be trying "reverse engineering",but I would bet you can get that
Windows app to run via Wine IF you setup the installer for it correctly.
Then you  could dish it out to make it available to all users,but then
restrict the availabilty to just a group you rig up, called appxyz
group. This would nix ( pun intended),the need, to have to even setup
your VM. Once you get the app installed simply point the database
location on your k12ltsp server at your already being used samba share
as you stated.
I posted sometime back how to make All of your wine programs available
to all users ,say on your domain and it works very well,,rather than
just installing( several times) the windows app for every user that
needs to access it.You simply make a /wine directory,then copy the
contents of the /home/userxyz/.wine to the /wine directory,and all the
wine apps are available via a created launcher to everyone that has
access to your k12ltsp server. Of course if you don't want everyone
accessing it,you simply lock it down to a user 'group'.
Good Luck,

Take Care,

Barry Cisna

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