[K12OSN] smbldap - using a separate /home file server

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Wed Nov 19 17:44:53 UTC 2008

Statement:  It seems to me to be easier to redefine $HOME to a local resource for the few local admin users and continue the "normal" NFS mount of /home for the rest, than to network mount $HOME, but over a different protocol, for everyone.

Question:  Have I misunderstood what you're trying to do?  As I read your message, you want to SMB mount $HOME for everyone, rather than NFS mount /home for the whole system.  Is that right?

Suggestion:  Or, couldn't you just create home folders for the local admin users in the /home directory on the root partition, and then only use them when the network is down.  They wouldn't affect you when the network is up and /home is NFS mounted.

I recommend strongly against SMB mounting $HOME.  SMB permissions and *nix file permissions are not identical.  NFS perms and *nix file perms are identical.  Either way, you're network dependent, but SMB buys you an un-needed level of complexity.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Owens" <rob.owens at biochemfluidics.com>
To: "Support list for open source software in schools." <k12osn at redhat.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 9:38:08 AM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain
Subject: [K12OSN] smbldap - using a separate /home file server

I'd like to have samba/ldap authentication, but I want my user's home
directories on a separate server.  I do not want to NFS mount /home on
the samba/ldap server, because I want to ensure that the local admin
users have access to a home folder even if the network is down.

On the samba/ldap server, I'd like to eliminate the [homes] share.  On
the file server, of course, I would create a [homes] share.

Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this?


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