[katello-devel] Moving Notifications

Justin Sherrill jsherril at redhat.com
Mon Jul 18 22:34:09 UTC 2011

On 07/18/2011 02:06 PM, Jason Rist wrote:
> On 07/18/2011 12:04 PM, Justin Sherrill wrote:
>> On 07/18/2011 01:35 PM, Jason Rist wrote:
>>> I would like to propose that we move the notifications to the middle
>>> top.  I've attached a screenshot with a "Proof of Concept" that I've put
>>> together (took me 5 minutes, and if you all agree, it'll be in the
>>> refactor branch).
>>> I squeezed up the padding 5px and made the notification itself a bit
>>> wider.
>>> Anyone object?
>>> -Jason
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>> I like this position much better (it always bothered me that the current
>> way covers up the username/logout parts), but this seems like it would
>> cover up the app a lot worse if there were multiple notifications (which
>> is really annoying).
>> -Justin
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> Forgive me for being blunt, but isn't the point of the notifications to
> be sort of in your face?  Should we have an option to turn them off?
> I've attached a validation error.
I'm not referring to multiple validation errors in a single 
notification, but more the way we keep error notifications around until 
the user clicks on them, even if what the notification was for has 

For example, if i go to create an Environment and it already exists, 
I'll keep getting notifications popups for every time it fails, which is 
fine.  But when i finally do create the environment successfully they 
still stay up.  I had brought up previously the idea of closing failed 
notifications once an action was successful but i guess we hadn't gotten 
around to it.

I understand for things like syncs or other severe errors we don't want 
to auto-close notifications, but for simple form validation I don't 
think I need to click to close it.  I don't believe I've ever seen a web 
interface where I have to 'click' to hide simple form validations.

I like your changes, I just think it will make the above issue more 
obvious (i.e. something we should solve :) )


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