[katello-devel] Current roles/permissions in the seeds file

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Mon May 16 20:44:29 UTC 2011

I put in the facts table from SAM, and I noticed that I needed to add a 
role/permission to the seed data for this to work. Here is the diff:

-Role.allow 'admin_role', { :systems => [:index, :create, :new, :edit, 
:show, :update, :destroy,:packages, :subscriptions,:update_subscriptions]
+Role.allow 'admin_role', { :systems => [:index, :create, :new, :edit, 
:show, :update, :destroy,:packages, 
:subscriptions,:update_subscriptions, :facts]

Can I assume that we want to move away from UI centric permission such 
as this? I would assume that we would put

:systems => :read

around the following controller actions:

:show, :subscriptions, :facts

To do this, we would need to change how the ApplicationController works, 
but it will move us to more business permissions which work across the 
CLI and the UI. Is this correct, or off base?

-- bk

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