[katello-devel] provider URL: reverted a few changes

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Fri May 20 12:36:37 UTC 2011

On 05/20/2011 08:25 AM, Todd B Sanders wrote:
> On 05/20/2011 08:20 AM, Bryan Kearney wrote:
>> On 05/20/2011 07:30 AM, Todd B Sanders wrote:
>>> On 05/19/2011 06:47 PM, Bryan Kearney wrote:
>>>> This one was my fault. Lemme explain my thinking:
>>>> If this is just for RedHat providers, then I think that the manifest
>>>> should have it embedded or it should be coded in the app (config file).
>>>> Now.. should we support using the same Provider type for upstream
>>>> candlepins? If so, that negates the idea of the config file.. but may
>>>> be that we add it into the maniest.
>>> If the katello-instance that you can sync from is equal to the same
>>> instance that created the manifest, then absolutely I would move to
>>> embedding this data in the manifest vs the UI or config file.
>>> -Todd
>> OK... I will get this on the Candlepin backlog. As for the second
>> question. Do we want to support the following:
>> 1) a Tenant either gets Red Hat Subscriptions from an upstream
>> candlepin, or Red Hat. This means there is only on Red Hat provider
>> per tenant.
>> -- bk
> I think that's right. Tenants are limited to a single RH provider. I
> can't think of a case where a tenant would want to get RH content from
> multiple locations.

ok.. but the red hat provider will be for Red Hat _or_ upstream candlepin?

> We will need to specify the %env tag within the content set urls when
> creating a manifest on an upstream katello/candlepin, so that the
> downstream created RH provider will pull content from the correct
> environment (i.e. production).

Currenlty conent out of katello should be prepended with 
/{OWNER_ID}/$env where OWNER_D is actually filled in.

> -Todd

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