[katello-devel] changes in orchestration

Dmitri Dolguikh dmitri at redhat.com
Tue May 31 10:02:05 UTC 2011

Hey all,

I introduced a minor change in how orchestration operates in 
5b257f499567080cf4a2adcbc7f24e207eb84895. You can now find out for what 
type of operation the orchestration is being performed for by calling 
orchestration_for method. It will contain :create, :update, :destroy, or 
a custom operation (:promote on Product, for example).

Example below shows how orchestration_for is used in 

       case orchestration_for
         when :create
           queue.create(:name => "candlepin product: #{self.name}", 
:priority => 3, :action => [self, :set_product])
           queue.create(:name => "candlepin content: #{self.name}", 
:priority => 4, :action => [self, :set_content])
           queue.create(:name => "add content to product in candlepin: 
#{self.name}", :priority => 5, :action => [self, :add_content])
           # we create unlimited subscriptions for generic yum providers
           if self.provider and self.provider.yum_repo?
             queue.create(:name => "create unlimited subscription for 
product in candlepin: #{self.name}", :priority => 7, :action => [self, 
         when :update, :promote
           queue.create(:name => "update candlepin product: 
#{self.name}", :priority => 3, :action => [self, :update_content])

The standard :create, :update, :destroy are being set for you, but if 
you need to run orchestration for a different operation, you can set it 
via @orchestration_for instance variable, for example in 

     def promote from_env, to_env
       @orchestration_for = :promote


Please let me know if you any questions.

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