[katello-devel] How to export TDL template from Katello

Lukas Zapletal lzap+pub at redhat.com
Wed Nov 9 15:49:21 UTC 2011

> Thanks Lukas. As you mentiond in irc this morning, the Web UI version
> of adding product distributions is under development by the Katello
> team.  After following your guidance using the katello cli this
> morning, the generated system template was lacking a couple new
> elements under the <os> element {<rootpw>,<key>}. Also, I believe
> there needs to be a few changes on the aeolus side to make installs
> succeed.

I can imagine rootpw is the default root password, but what is the key
element for?

By the way looking at the TDL schema those are optional:

<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="rootpw"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="key"/>

I recommend to set them mandatory, if they are needed for IF.

Are these everything what you are missing right now from our side?

> 1) apply the patch your team sent to this list for the template schema
> to support the new elements {persisted, clientcert, clienkey}
> 2) make Oz use the clientcert and client key for the SSL connection (I
> am not sure of this, but I don't think it knows how to do this today).
> Is there a way to create a distribution in katello and *not* require
> an https connection (use unprotected repos)?

As far as I know the reason why we added a debug certificate is that
Katello (or Pulp in this case) is technically not able to provide
public content. Correct me if I am wrong, Bryan.


 Lukas Zapletal | E32E400A
 RHN Satellite Engineering
 Red Hat Czech s.r.o. Brno

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