[katello-devel] How to export TDL template from Katello

Todd Sanders tsanders at redhat.com
Wed Nov 9 19:26:21 UTC 2011

On 11/09/2011 10:49 AM, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
>> Is there a way to create a distribution in katello and*not*  require
>> >  an https connection (use unprotected repos)?
> As far as I know the reason why we added a debug certificate is that
> Katello (or Pulp in this case) is technically not able to provide
> public content. Correct me if I am wrong, Bryan.
Couple of comments:

1. Pulp is most definitely able to provide public repos, however, 
katello has chosen to use "unlimited" certificates for access to custom 
repos vs not requiring an entitlement certificate to keep the code paths 
as similar as possible.

2. Pulp/Katello does (by design) provide access to 
distributions/kickstart trees over http.


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