[katello-devel] Katello 1.3/1.4 Feature Planning

Eric D Helms ericdhelms at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 16:58:28 UTC 2012


As I prepare the Katello 1.2 release, I thought I would get the ball
rolling on feature planning for Katello 1.3.  As it stands, the focus of
Katello 1.3 is Pulp V2 integration.  However, a lot of other features and
work will go on during now and when the Pulp V2 work is ready.  So I'd like
to get a rough idea of what features we plan to try and get into this next
release and potentially any beyond that for the next release nanny to work
from.  Current rough time frame for Pulp V2 integration is late January,
early February time frame and thus this release will be based on feature
completion not a hard timed release.

Katello 1.3 Features
  - Pulp V2 integration
  - Pulp V2 upgrades

Katello 1.4 Features
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