[katello-devel] Katello Bug Day 2012 - 12/18/2012

Brad Buckingham bbuckingham at redhat.com
Wed Dec 12 15:13:47 UTC 2012

On 12/12/2012 10:08 AM, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 09:25:23AM -0500, Eric Helms wrote:
>> I am proposing 12/18/2012 unless some major reason not to use that
>> date comes along.  For those in the U.S. time zones, I will
>> organize.  For those working in Europe, would someone volunteer to
>> coordinate for that side of the pond?
> I can do it.
> Are we gonna use some Keyword to mark those which was already
> discussed/triaged?
> LZ
Can we use the BZ states for that?

As soon as a developer picks a bug to investigate, they should move it 
to ASSIGNED.  So, assigned can be considered 'taken'.  If they find it 
is no longer a bug, they can change state appropriately.  If they find 
they need more information, they can request more info.

This basically means that all bugs in 'NEW' state are available to be 
taken.  We should probably begin first with those that are triaged, 
since we have a good bucket to begin with.

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