[katello-devel] katello-upgrade restarting services

Lukas Zapletal lzap at redhat.com
Wed Jul 25 12:19:25 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 09:48:21AM -0400, Eric Sammons wrote:
> I opened the bug because unfortunately SAM and CFSE have not just one rc script but many and the order may be a factor here, to protect the databases (I'm not sure).  I feel like, for this to feel like a finished product, that it should stop the services correctly.  As a safety measure though I do not think that a simple [Y/N] will suffice, it should be a [Yes/No] and it should be very clear what is about to happen, perhaps even a second confirmation to be sure.  
> i.e. when you run rpm -Uhv on any thing you never ask the sysadmin to stop / start any daemons.  So to remain consistent with that expectation the script should handle this.  It also protects the companies that try to automate the upgrade task (and yes there are customers that will do that) and it also protects sysadmins that are in a hurry to get the job done.  Keep in mind, if we don't include stopping the services in the script the sysadmin will simply write a script that does it for them.  They seek to have the least amount of down time, and typing out long commands == downtime.
> My $0.02.

Let me throw in my two cents.

In the original request/bug there was no mention of interactivity. At
least I did not see it. I am totally fine with a script that would
report required services should be down, just like Justin said.

I just don't like the idea of script shutting down any services. If you
ever did production upgrade of anything, you know that the sysadmin want
to have everything under his control. Specifically he wants to minimize
the outage time frame if possible.

If there is an interactivity, that is another story. You can always say
No if you don't feel while we provide seamless experience for those who
want upgrade fast. Together with --assume-yes / -y options this would
give you what you want.

My personal opinion would be to stop if services are still up printing
some info about what to do to successfully continue without any
interactivity. But that is my opinion, I can live with yes/no questions.


 Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
 #katello #systemengine

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