[katello-devel] katello-upgrade restarting services

Jordan OMara jomara at redhat.com
Wed Jul 25 13:22:58 UTC 2012

On 25/07/12 14:19 +0200, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
>On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 09:48:21AM -0400, Eric Sammons wrote:
>In the original request/bug there was no mention of interactivity. At
>least I did not see it. I am totally fine with a script that would
>report required services should be down, just like Justin said.
>I just don't like the idea of script shutting down any services. If you
>ever did production upgrade of anything, you know that the sysadmin want
>to have everything under his control. Specifically he wants to minimize
>the outage time frame if possible.
>If there is an interactivity, that is another story. You can always say
>No if you don't feel while we provide seamless experience for those who
>want upgrade fast. Together with --assume-yes / -y options this would
>give you what you want.
>My personal opinion would be to stop if services are still up printing
>some info about what to do to successfully continue without any
>interactivity. But that is my opinion, I can live with yes/no questions.

I think, lzap, you would be OK with this behavior

katello-upgrade (no arguments)
Upgrade stopped! Please stop the following services before continuing:

katello-upgrade --auto-stop
The following services are being stopped for the upgrade process:

Everyone else like that? It provides an automatic option if you want
it but defaults to a more expected behavior for sysadmins
Jordan O'Mara <jomara at redhat.com>
Red Hat Engineering, Raleigh 
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