[katello-devel] ActiveResource spike

Petr Chalupa pchalupa at redhat.com
Mon Oct 1 09:18:38 UTC 2012


sorry I didn't read the email until now.

I am working on merging foreman_architectures into master. Remaining 
tasks before merging:
1. merge work on foreman api documentation
2. generate new version of foreman_api gem
3. fix rake db:seed in katello (almost done) (it does not work with 
foreman orchestration enabled)
4. add migration which creates missing users in foreman
5. recover when user is missing in foreman by creating the missing user

There are no stories or bugzillas for these tasks. 3. was discovered 
after the current stories were done. 4. and 5. came up this morning from 
discussion with Ivan about foreman configuration which he is currently 
working on.

There is no story for merging foreman_architectures and "Make the 
pulp/candlepin/foreman code all look alike".

So I've added 4 new stories:

in Iteration 006
- US1399 - the merge story

in Backlog
- US1400 - the "Make the pulp/candlepin/foreman code all look alike"
- US1401 - As a developer, I would like to have same set of error 
classes in ForemanModel as in ActiveResource
- US1402 - As a developer, I would like foreman_api code to be DRY


On 27.09.12 15:37, Bryan Kearney wrote:
> On 09/26/2012 11:32 AM, Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
>> On 26/09/12 01:24 PM, Bryan Kearney wrote:
>>> On 09/26/2012 05:39 AM, Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
>>>> It seems that the majority of those who voiced their opinion would
>>>> prefer to go with custom approach instead of spending time on
>>>> ActiveResource.
>>>> Let's go with that.
>>> What does this mean for backlog / sprint tasks? My goal is to get the
>>> foreman branch into master. Is there any "Make hte
>>> pulp/candlepin/foreman code all look alike" tasks as part of this?
>> It's been a while since I worked with that branch, one of the folks
>> involved should chime in...
> fair enouhg... anyone?
> -- bk
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