[katello-devel] New "Synchronization" item in Administer menu

Kyle Baker kybaker at redhat.com
Wed Oct 10 14:57:58 UTC 2012

----- Original Message -----
> I understand the logic of adding this item to the Administer menu:
> The Synchronization status page spans orgs. However, it seems very
> out of place there and I am strongly voting against it.
> My suggestion:
> Make the Dashboard have user scope instead of org scope. By this I
> mean that the portlets do not have to be tied to a specific org
> necessarily, though some will of course. Perhaps each portlet could
> get a decorated header that includes the org name. This would also
> let an admin of more than one org plop down multiple "System
> Subscription Status" portlets, one for each org they are monitoring.

I understand your concern. I agree that the Administer tab is not the right place. It does have the correct org context as it is org agnostic, but it's intended as housing for traditional tool administration tasks not for monitoring status. The ideal solution that fits the tools current structure would be filtering the sync status page to only show the sync status for the org you are currently viewing. 

Your suggestion is interesting as it introduces the idea of having a cross organizational view. Adding the cross org view to the content would involve heavily modifying what we have built as the user has already gone though the process for choosing their org on log in and the informational hierarchy is setup to support that after log in as well. I could see this having it's own area where you could see status on everything or having the ability to add/edit/delete content. The user could have access to this as a "Status" button at the top or even specify all orgs on log in. Though I think for this issue the proper solution with the least dev overhead would be filtering the sync status page to the org selected.



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