[katello-devel] New "Synchronization" item in Administer menu

Tom McKay thomasmckay at redhat.com
Wed Oct 10 15:04:30 UTC 2012

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kyle Baker" <kybaker at redhat.com>
> To: "Tom McKay" <thomasmckay at redhat.com>
> Cc: "katello-devel" <katello-devel at redhat.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 10:57:58 AM
> Subject: Re: [katello-devel] New "Synchronization" item in Administer menu
> ----- Original Message -----
> > 
> > I understand the logic of adding this item to the Administer menu:
> > The Synchronization status page spans orgs. However, it seems very
> > out of place there and I am strongly voting against it.
> > 
> > My suggestion:
> > 
> > Make the Dashboard have user scope instead of org scope. By this I
> > mean that the portlets do not have to be tied to a specific org
> > necessarily, though some will of course. Perhaps each portlet could
> > get a decorated header that includes the org name. This would also
> > let an admin of more than one org plop down multiple "System
> > Subscription Status" portlets, one for each org they are
> > monitoring.
> I understand your concern. I agree that the Administer tab is not the
> right place. It does have the correct org context as it is org
> agnostic, but it's intended as housing for traditional tool
> administration tasks not for monitoring status. The ideal solution
> that fits the tools current structure would be filtering the sync
> status page to only show the sync status for the org you are
> currently viewing.
> Your suggestion is interesting as it introduces the idea of having a
> cross organizational view. Adding the cross org view to the content
> would involve heavily modifying what we have built as the user has
> already gone though the process for choosing their org on log in and
> the informational hierarchy is setup to support that after log in as
> well. I could see this having it's own area where you could see
> status on everything or having the ability to add/edit/delete
> content. The user could have access to this as a "Status" button at
> the top or even specify all orgs on log in. Though I think for this
> issue the proper solution with the least dev overhead would be
> filtering the sync status page to the org selected.

I'm not sure I understand: Are you saying remove it from Administer or not? 

The final sentence, "filtering the sync status page to the org selected," what does that mean? The Content -> Sync Management -> Sync Status is where the current org's sync status is displayed. The new menu entry shows _all_ orgs. Are you suggesting upgrading the existing Sync Status single org page to allow cross-org views? I'm not against that as I feel the single-org strictness is a rule that deserves to be bent (or thrown out).

> -Kyle
> > 
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