[katello-devel] informative cli designs

Jordan OMara jomara at redhat.com
Thu Oct 18 20:07:23 UTC 2012

In certain situations the CLI does not provide a lot of information to
the user. Example:

Id                 : 1
Name               : key_one
     this is a  key
     Usage Limit        : unlimited
     Environment Id     : 2
     System Template Id : None
         [ ff8080813a66136e013a756303420044 ]

In the UI, 'pools' shows you quite a bit of information about the
pool, not just the Id. Presumably the idea is that the CLI user would
make subsequent queries to get info about the pool they wanted.

Question 1: Is this the desired use case, or should we provide a
'verbose' flag and allow the user to see nested pool data as well?

Question 2: Assuming the answer to question 1 is "yes", is the best
way to do this (or at least the accepted katello pattern) to make the
Activation Key API return more pool info, or to make the CLI make
subsequent calls to get additional pool data?

Jordan O'Mara <jomara at redhat.com>
Red Hat Engineering, Raleigh 
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