[katello-devel] informative cli designs

Ivan Nečas inecas at redhat.com
Thu Oct 18 20:23:25 UTC 2012

On 10/18/2012 10:07 PM, Jordan OMara wrote:
> In certain situations the CLI does not provide a lot of information to
> the user. Example:
> Id                 : 1
> Name               : key_one
> Description:
>     this is a  key
>     Usage Limit        : unlimited
>     Environment Id     : 2
>     System Template Id : None
>     Pools:
>         [ ff8080813a66136e013a756303420044 ]
> In the UI, 'pools' shows you quite a bit of information about the
> pool, not just the Id. Presumably the idea is that the CLI user would
> make subsequent queries to get info about the pool they wanted.
> Question 1: Is this the desired use case, or should we provide a
> 'verbose' flag and allow the user to see nested pool data as well?
I guess it makes sense, yes.
> Question 2: Assuming the answer to question 1 is "yes", is the best
> way to do this (or at least the accepted katello pattern) to make the
> Activation Key API return more pool info, or to make the CLI make
> subsequent calls to get additional pool data?
Both is probably acceptable I guess, I would vote for the subsequent 
calls just to avoid the pattern that every CLI change would imply an API 

-- Ivan
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