[katello-devel] moving to ruby 1.9.3

Lukas Zapletal lzap at redhat.com
Fri Oct 19 09:23:45 UTC 2012

> I'm in favour of this approach and for the longest time we tried doing
> this w/ Aeolus. Unfortunately what happend is that when
> push-came-to-shove (when time is tight), these requirements get dropped
> in lieu of getting features in. We always ended up w/ the inevitable
> packaging nightmare during release time.
> Granted things have been getting better as we've spread packaging around
> and given that many core dependenices are now in Fedora but there is
> still work togo. Having the products in Fedora and RHEL is a great
> selling point IMO, especially to established communities based on those
> platforms, though I understand these restrictions are hard to enforce /
> expect of developers, especially with other competing requirements.
> As with everything there are many aspects to this, technical,
> organizational, and promotional. I'm still not convinced that we can't
> do more technically, I'm working on a feature for the
> http://isitfedoraruby.com site that will allow you to do a mass import
> of a gem. With a simple click or two, I want to be able to pull an gem
> and all dependencies, generate spec files for all of those using
> gem2rpm, and if possible create rpms and a yum repo for immediate
> consumption. This still doesn't solve the problem of getting everything
> into Fedora, but getting to that point might present solutions not
> feasible before.
> As always any efforts on the Fedora / Ruby platform, whether for our
> products or just in general to improve things is more than appreciated.
> You can find more about the sig here:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ruby_SIG

Just a technical sidenote - when we say "having an RPM package" that
basically mean creating it in our (Katello) repo, so we can have nightly
the next day. Then we usually start the process of getting it into
Fedora, but this is a separate task, because of obvious reasons.

You are apparently one step further - Aeolus is already in Fedora,
therefore processes for you guys are slightly different.

For us, it's just a check if the package is already in Fedora/EPEL and
if not, we can just create a package in our repo while there is separate
effort running independently getting all of those into Fedora.

Once we get there, our process will be different still. We have our Koji
instance, therefore we can live on our own building our packages that
would be overriding Fedora packages until version is bumped there.
Mirek, correct me if I am wrong, you know the process better.


 Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
 #katello #systemengine

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