[katello-devel] Merging and Pulling with no wait

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Tue Oct 23 21:03:35 UTC 2012

On 10/23/2012 04:52 PM, Eric Helms wrote:
> We have previously adhered to a sense of self-responsibility on the part of the pull-requester.  They can leave it wide open on who reviews, or request reviews.  They can choose to put someone in charge of review+merge or merge it themselves with a review.  A waiting period seems to detract from that, especially without a reliable way to clearly know if the time period is up.
> I do, however, agree with Jason's point that sometimes we do seem hasty to merge here lately.  That being said, and given the previous caveat, we as developers should be exercising our responsibility to as Tom said, request other eyes specifically on given pull requests, and let "large" pull requests sit longer than others.  We don't all have time to get to reading a pull request as soon as it is opened, but I think the combination of tested (and linted) pull requests and greater developer awareness should help alleviate (and if it does not, we can re-visit).
> Two things:
>   1) Tom, based on your notion of where people specialize, perhaps we should take a page from the Aeolus playbook http://aeolusproject.org/aeolus_team.html
>   2) Should we add a caveat to our process, whereby a developer can request the desire to review a pull request prior to it's merging for cases where you don't have time at that exact moment?  Similar to how the author of a pull request can request review.

We can, but as with any process I think it is important to understand 
the real goal. If it is education of the whole team as to what is going 
on in the code base, is pre-merge the best time to do that?

-- bk

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