[katello-devel] Travis Testing Pull Requests

Tomas Strachota tstrachota at redhat.com
Mon Oct 29 09:42:52 UTC 2012

On 10/26/2012 05:20 PM, Eric Helms wrote:
> Howdy All,
> You may notice from today forward that as you open pull requests and
> make commits to them there will be a status indicator about testing on
> Travis.  As of https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/925 we are trying
> out a Travis configuration that will run the following on all pull
> requests, repository merges, and updates to pull requests.
> - CLI unittests
> - Pylint
> - SCSS compilation
> - Rspec unittests
> The configuration is currently setup to fail-fast. In other words, it
> will not run all 4 all of the time, it attempts to be as quick as
> possible, such that if one fails, the build is flagged as failed and
> execution stops.
> This may require some tuning as we get used to it, so please provide any
> feedback or thoughts on the process as we begin to use it.
> - Eric

It looks great!

Just one thought against the fail-fast approach:
I made a pull request with some server side changes and the tests around 
it weren't executed at all because of failing cli unit tests. In this 
case the test report was not very useful. Is it possible to always run 
all the tests or is it too resource consuming?


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