[katello-devel] Menu usability needs more work

Jeff Weiss jweiss at redhat.com
Tue Mar 5 14:02:48 UTC 2013

So far I've counted at least 4 of our own engineers who could not figure
out where the "Manage Orgs" link is.

Here's what I propose to make the katello easier to navigate.

* Move the Manage Orgs link to the top level, always visible (possibly
  in the header, similar to where the Administer link used to be).

* Maybe rename the menu link to something else.  I think Tom mentioned

* All javascript menu.  Moving between the "Manage Orgs" menu and Main
  menu should not require a full page load.

Thoughts, suggestions?


Jeff Weiss
Principal Quality Assurance Engineer
jweiss at redhat.com

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