[katello-devel] Menu usability needs more work

Eric D Helms ericdhelms at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 16:37:08 UTC 2013

>From an implementation perspective, this makes sense and can be a longer
term goal.

I have talked to Kyle about the header and navigation in general and there
is a design plan in the works, however, the delivery time will be longer
than we want I believe.  That being said, I have heard lots of different
mentions of behaviors and requests for features but not as much concrete
"here is what the menu is trying to provide for the user".

There appears to be:

* Site user - user that has access to cross-organization entities
* Organization user - user that has access to organization specific entities
* Site-Organization user - user that has access to organization specific
entities and cross-organization entities

* Organization Mode - when a user is managing organization specific entities
* Site mode - when a user is managing cross-organization entities

The question I have is -- is managing cross-organization entities a
fundamentally different activity than managing organization specific

I think the above question drives the overall design, as it dictates the
context that users need to be placed in.  For example, if the answer is
'yes', then entering Organization Mode should feel like entering a
different part of the application.  If the answer is 'no', then entering
Organization Mode should feel like just another set of screens within the
application that removes the organization "context".


On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Jeff Weiss <jweiss at redhat.com> wrote:

> So far I've counted at least 4 of our own engineers who could not figure
> out where the "Manage Orgs" link is.
> Here's what I propose to make the katello easier to navigate.
> * Move the Manage Orgs link to the top level, always visible (possibly
>   in the header, similar to where the Administer link used to be).

I think we an do this short term.

> * Maybe rename the menu link to something else.  I think Tom mentioned
>   "Global".
> * All javascript menu.  Moving between the "Manage Orgs" menu and Main
>   menu should not require a full page load.

Thoughts, suggestions?
> -jeff
> --
> Jeff Weiss
> Principal Quality Assurance Engineer
> jweiss at redhat.com
> (919)886-6533
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