[katello-devel] Current state of RHEL6 Nightly

Lukas Zapletal lzap at redhat.com
Tue Mar 19 14:00:42 UTC 2013

Ok I am working towards turning SCL off for RHEL6 now, I will push a PR
shortly. We will wait until Mirek finishes with Foreman, hopefully this

I thought I will also need to migrate katello-upgrade to SCL, but it was
decided to not to convert katello-configure (and katello-upgrade is part
of katello-configure). It still runs atop of Ruby 1.8 and Puppet from

The question is if we want to migrate that to SCL stack too. The issue
here is Puppet - we would need to migrate Puppet to SCL too. I am not
sure if that does not bring issues (e.g. clients running puppet with 1.8
from EPEL vs server running Katello/Foreman/Puppet on 1.9 Ruby).

Opinions? Ohad?


On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 12:46:22PM +0100, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> Hey,
> as you may noticed, I have been working on getting SCL packages into
> RHEL6 nightly and migrating our package on SCL Ruby 1.9 stack. This was
> finished this morning, the current nightly does install on SCL stack and
> bring packages prefixed with ruby193 now.
> The katello and katello-jobs services now uses ruby 1.9 as well as other
> scripts from /usr/share/katello/script. The migration is not finished
> tho. Mirek is still working on Foreman, therefore expect an installation
> error during katello-configure.
> Even when Mirek finishes his work, SCL support in RHEL6 will not be
> perfect. There will be things that will still run on ruby 1.8 (and thus
> not working) - I can picture katello-upgrade for example. If you hit any
> issue (a script is trying to start with /usr/bin/ruby which will not be
> required soon), you need to change shebang. See katello.spec for that.
> Also I noticed Justin is preparing the 1.3 release and I made this
> mistake of merging this SCL effort into the master. I would like to ask
> Justin and Mirek what is the best plan now in regard to this release -
> do we have enough time to complete Foreman SCL migration and release 1.3
> or should we maybe turn SCL off for a while, release 1.3 and then turn
> it back on?
> Opinions? Comments?
> -- 
> Later,
>  Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
>  #katello #systemengine
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 Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
 #katello #systemengine

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