[katello-devel] Github Issues for non-katello repos

Eric D Helms ericdhelms at gmail.com
Mon May 6 21:54:59 UTC 2013

Github does provide an organization wide view of issues and pull requests -

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 5:14 PM, David Davis <daviddavis at redhat.com> wrote:

> Given that you can reference issues in commits and PRs for other
> repositories on Github (e.g. fixes Katello/katello#2145), I'm wondering if
> we should close Issues for other repositories and just have it for the main
> katello repository? I can see the benefit of having Issues divided up by
> repo but I am not sure if that outweighs the problems it creates like
> having to check multiple places for bugs now.
> Thanks.
> David
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