Setting root password w/ rootpw

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Fri Apr 29 17:50:07 UTC 2005

>>>>> "d" == dan  <info at> writes:

d> I'd like to assign an encrypted password,
d> but I was curious as to which method you guys use in an effort to
d> simply convert a text password into the encrypted type asked for.

perl -we 'print crypt("plaintext", "salt"). "\n"'

will do.  Replace "plaintext" by the plaintext password you want to
encrypt.  How you replace "salt" depends on what kind of passwords you
want.  If you want the cheezy old-style crypted passwords, use two
randomly generated characters.  If you want new-style MD5 passwords,
use "$1$" followed by up to eight random characters.  (The random
characters should be letters, digits, "." or "/".)

 - J<

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