Figuring package class

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at
Tue May 30 21:20:54 UTC 2006

Klaus Steden wrote:
>> Ok, and where does hdlist live?
>> I was trying to figure out, for instance, why "apr" gets installed...
>> but can't find any chaining or dependencies.  And it's not named
>> explictly in comps.xml or any of the other xml.gz files.
> hdlist and hdlist2 are in the RedHat/base directory, alongside comps.rpm and
> comps.xml.
> If you've added RPMs to your install base and want them to work during
> installation under anaconda, you'll need to run 'genhdlist'. It's a little
> complex and a lot annoying, I'm looking forward to the day when anaconda
> manages packages with YUM.
> Klaus

I'm using FC5. There's no such file in the Fedora/base/ directory.


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