Scripting the url --url install method?

John Summerfield debian at
Wed Apr 1 02:12:48 UTC 2009

Hajducko, Steven wrote:
> Is it possible to use a %pre script in any way to customize the install method?  I'm attempting to create a kickstart file that we can move around our network, however, some of our networks require different URL's to grab the ks file and to find the install media.
> What I have currently isn't working as anaconda doesn't seem to like that it can't find the install method before it runs the %pre section.
> Here is what I have currently -
> install
> %include /tmp/url
> ...
> %pre
> # Append network hostname as some tiers don't have DNS - if we don't have DNS
> # then the hostname becomes 'localhost' when using the network information from the
> # boot line
> HOSTNAME=$( cat /proc/cmdline | sed -e s'/ /\n/g' | grep '^hostname=' )
> echo "network --${HOSTNAME}" > /tmp/hostname
> # Get our architecture
> ARCH=$(uname -i)
> # Figure out the kickstart URL from the boot line so we can find the install media
> KSURL=$(cat /proc/cmdline | sed -e 's/ /\n/g' | grep '^ks=' | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d/ -f1,2,3)
> echo "url --url=${KSURL}/yum/rhel5-server-${ARCH}/disc1" > /tmp/url
> ...
> We boot from the DVD and enter the network information on the linux: boot command, so ultimately our boot line looks something like:
> linux ks= ip= netmask= gateway= dns=
> I don't see any errors when viewing the logs - it just prompts me for the install method.
> I've also tried something like the following in hopes that when it re-read the kickstart file, the URL line existed and it would use that instead - unfortunately that didn't work either.
> install
> %include /tmp/url
> cdrom

ks=<stuff to suit you>
ks could take into account the source IP address in framing its response.

dhcpd can be configured to give different responses depending on who's 
asking: PXE can get one set of responses, anaconda another, 
debian-installer a third, Windows can get something completely different.



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