[Libguestfs] [libnbd PATCH v2 4/8] python: Reformat generated methods.c in a few places

Eric Blake eblake at redhat.com
Tue Jun 7 02:08:29 UTC 2022

To make argument parsing/building easier to follow, and make it so
that future type changes touch fewer lines of code, consolidate
several passes of List.iter to instead produce a list of tuples in one
pass.  Now the python conversion character(s) are next to the code
that character matches.  Compress the strings passed to
PyArg_ParseTuple and Py_BuildValue.  Utilize py_wrap to avoid
generated lines that exceed 80 columns.

The change is solely in the formatting; no behavioral changes are
intended.  The generated diff includes chunks such as:

| @@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ chunk_wrapper (void *user_data, const vo
|    Py_DECREF (py_error_mod);
|    if (!py_error) { PyErr_PrintEx (0); goto out; }
| -  py_args = Py_BuildValue ("(" "y#" "K" "I" "O" ")", subbuf, (int) count, offset, status, py_error);
| +  py_args = Py_BuildValue ("(y#KIO)", subbuf, (int) count, offset, status,
| +                           py_error);
|    if (!py_args) { PyErr_PrintEx (0); goto out; }
|    py_save = PyGILState_Ensure ();
| @@ -1054,7 +1031,8 @@ nbd_internal_py_set_tls_psk_file (PyObje
|  }
|  PyObject *
| -nbd_internal_py_set_request_structured_replies (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
| +nbd_internal_py_set_request_structured_replies (PyObject *self,
| +                                                PyObject *args)
|  {
|    PyObject *py_h;
|    struct nbd_handle *h;
| @@ -2344,8 +2281,7 @@ nbd_internal_py_pread_structured (PyObje
|    uint32_t flags_u32;
|    unsigned int flags; /* really uint32_t */
| -  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O" "n" "K" "O" "I"
| -                         ":nbd_pread_structured",
| +  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "OnKOI:nbd_pread_structured",
|                           &py_h, &count, &offset, &py_chunk_fn, &flags))
|      goto out;
|    h = get_handle (py_h);
| @@ -2365,7 +2301,8 @@ nbd_internal_py_pread_structured (PyObje
|    Py_INCREF (py_chunk_fn);
|    chunk_user_data->fn = py_chunk_fn;
| -  ret = nbd_pread_structured (h, PyByteArray_AS_STRING (buf), count, offset_u64, chunk, flags_u32);
| +  ret = nbd_pread_structured (h, PyByteArray_AS_STRING (buf), count,
| +                              offset_u64, chunk, flags_u32);
|    chunk_user_data = NULL;
|    if (ret == -1) {
|      raise_exception ();

Suggested-by: Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat.com>
 generator/Python.ml | 201 ++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 81 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

diff --git a/generator/Python.ml b/generator/Python.ml
index 8239803..6244c8e 100644
--- a/generator/Python.ml
+++ b/generator/Python.ml
@@ -209,30 +209,31 @@ let
   ) cbargs;
   pr "\n";

-  pr "  py_args = Py_BuildValue (\"(\"";
-  List.iter (
-    function
-    | CBArrayAndLen (UInt32 n, len) -> pr " \"O\""
-    | CBBytesIn (n, len) -> pr " \"y#\""
-    | CBInt n -> pr " \"i\""
-    | CBInt64 n -> pr " \"L\""
-    | CBMutable (Int n) -> pr " \"O\""
-    | CBString n -> pr " \"s\""
-    | CBUInt n -> pr " \"I\""
-    | CBUInt64 n -> pr " \"K\""
-    | CBArrayAndLen _ | CBMutable _ -> assert false
-  ) cbargs;
-  pr " \")\"";
-  List.iter (
-    function
-    | CBArrayAndLen (UInt32 n, _) -> pr ", py_%s" n
-    | CBBytesIn (n, len) -> pr ", %s, (int) %s" n len
-    | CBMutable (Int n) -> pr ", py_%s" n
-    | CBInt n | CBInt64 n
-    | CBString n
-    | CBUInt n | CBUInt64 n -> pr ", %s" n
-    | CBArrayAndLen _ | CBMutable _ -> assert false
-  ) cbargs;
+  let params =
+    List.map (
+      function
+      | CBArrayAndLen (UInt32 n, _) -> "O", sprintf "py_%s" n
+      | CBBytesIn (n, len) -> "y#", sprintf "%s, (int) %s" n len
+      | CBInt n -> "i", n
+      | CBInt64 n -> "L", n
+      | CBMutable (Int n) -> "O", sprintf "py_%s" n
+      | CBString n -> "s", n
+      | CBUInt n -> "I", n
+      | CBUInt64 n -> "K", n
+      | CBArrayAndLen _ | CBMutable _ -> assert false
+    ) cbargs in
+  pr "  py_args = Py_BuildValue (";
+  pr_wrap ',' (fun () ->
+      pr "\"(";
+      List.iter (
+        function
+        | n, _ -> pr "%s" n
+        ) params;
+      pr ")\"";
+      List.iter (
+        function
+        | _, n -> pr ", %s" n
+        ) params);
   pr ");\n";
   pr "  if (!py_args) { PyErr_PrintEx (0); goto out; }\n";
   pr "\n";
@@ -284,7 +285,10 @@ let
 (* Generate the Python binding. *)
 let print_python_binding name { args; optargs; ret; may_set_error } =
   pr "PyObject *\n";
-  pr "nbd_internal_py_%s (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)\n" name;
+  pr "nbd_internal_py_%s (" name;
+  pr_wrap ',' (fun () ->
+      pr "PyObject *self, PyObject *args");
+  pr ")\n";
   pr "{\n";
   pr "  PyObject *py_h;\n";
   pr "  struct nbd_handle *h;\n";
@@ -353,59 +357,52 @@ let
   pr "\n";

   (* Parse the Python parameters. *)
-  pr "  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, \"O\"";
+  let params =
+    List.map (
+      function
+      | Bool n -> "p", sprintf "&%s" n, n
+      | BytesIn (n, _) -> "y*", sprintf "&%s" n, sprintf "%s.buf, %s.len" n n
+      | BytesOut (n, count) ->
+         "n", sprintf "&%s" count,
+         sprintf "PyByteArray_AS_STRING (%s), %s" n count
+      | BytesPersistIn (n, _) | BytesPersistOut (n, _) ->
+         "O", sprintf "&%s" n, sprintf "%s_buf->data, %s_buf->len" n n
+      | Closure { cbname } -> "O", sprintf "&py_%s_fn" cbname, cbname
+      | Enum (n, _) -> "i", sprintf "&%s" n, n
+      | Flags (n, _) -> "I", sprintf "&%s" n, sprintf "%s_u32" n
+      | Fd n | Int n -> "i", sprintf "&%s" n, n
+      | Int64 n -> "L", sprintf "&%s" n, sprintf "%s_i64" n
+      | Path n -> "O&", sprintf "PyUnicode_FSConverter, &py_%s" n, n
+      | SizeT n -> "n", sprintf "&%s" n, sprintf "(size_t)%s" n
+      | SockAddrAndLen (n, _) ->
+         "O", sprintf "&%s" n,
+         sprintf "(struct sockaddr *) &%s_sa, %s_len" n n
+      | String n -> "s", sprintf "&%s" n, n
+      | StringList n -> "O", sprintf "&py_%s" n, n
+      | UInt n | UIntPtr n -> "I", sprintf "&%s" n, n
+      | UInt32 n -> "I", sprintf "&%s" n, sprintf "%s_u32" n
+      | UInt64 n -> "K", sprintf "&%s" n, sprintf "%s_u64" n
+    ) args in
+  let optparams =
+    List.map (
+      function
+      | OClosure { cbname } -> "O", sprintf "&py_%s_fn" cbname, cbname
+      | OFlags (n, _, _) -> "I", sprintf "&%s" n, sprintf "%s_u32" n
+    ) optargs in
+  let params = params @ optparams in
+  pr "  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, \"O";
   List.iter (
-    | Bool n -> pr " \"p\""
-    | BytesIn (n, _) -> pr " \"y*\""
-    | BytesPersistIn (n, _) -> pr " \"O\""
-    | BytesOut (_, count) -> pr " \"n\""
-    | BytesPersistOut (_, count) -> pr " \"O\""
-    | Closure _ -> pr " \"O\""
-    | Enum _ -> pr " \"i\""
-    | Flags _ -> pr " \"I\""
-    | Fd n | Int n -> pr " \"i\""
-    | Int64 n -> pr " \"L\""
-    | Path n -> pr " \"O&\""
-    | SizeT n -> pr " \"n\""
-    | SockAddrAndLen (n, _) -> pr " \"O\""
-    | String n -> pr " \"s\""
-    | StringList n -> pr " \"O\""
-    | UInt n | UIntPtr n -> pr " \"I\""
-    | UInt32 n -> pr " \"I\""
-    | UInt64 n -> pr " \"K\""
-  ) args;
-  List.iter (
-    function
-    | OClosure _ -> pr " \"O\""
-    | OFlags _ -> pr " \"I\""
-  ) optargs;
-  pr "\n";
-  pr "                         \":nbd_%s\",\n" name;
-  pr "                         &py_h";
-  List.iter (
-    function
-    | Bool n -> pr ", &%s" n
-    | BytesIn (n, _) | BytesPersistIn (n, _)
-    | BytesPersistOut (n, _) -> pr ", &%s" n
-    | BytesOut (_, count) -> pr ", &%s" count
-    | Closure { cbname } -> pr ", &py_%s_fn" cbname
-    | Enum (n, _) -> pr ", &%s" n
-    | Flags (n, _) -> pr ", &%s" n
-    | Fd n | Int n | SizeT n | Int64 n -> pr ", &%s" n
-    | Path n -> pr ", PyUnicode_FSConverter, &py_%s" n
-    | SockAddrAndLen (n, _) -> pr ", &%s" n
-    | String n -> pr ", &%s" n
-    | StringList n -> pr ", &py_%s" n
-    | UInt n | UIntPtr n -> pr ", &%s" n
-    | UInt32 n -> pr ", &%s" n
-    | UInt64 n -> pr ", &%s" n
-  ) args;
-  List.iter (
-    function
-    | OClosure { cbname } -> pr ", &py_%s_fn" cbname
-    | OFlags (n, _, _) -> pr ", &%s" n
-  ) optargs;
+    | n, _, _ -> pr "%s" n
+    ) params;
+  pr ":nbd_%s\",\n" name;
+  pr "                         ";
+  pr_wrap ',' (fun () ->
+      pr "&py_h";
+      List.iter (
+        function
+        | _, n, _ -> pr ", %s" n
+        ) params);
   pr "))\n";
   pr "    goto out;\n";

@@ -489,33 +486,13 @@ let
        pr "  %s_buf->initialized = true;\n" n
     | _ -> ()
   ) args;
-  pr "  ret = nbd_%s (h" name;
-  List.iter (
-    function
-    | Bool n -> pr ", %s" n
-    | BytesIn (n, _) -> pr ", %s.buf, %s.len" n n
-    | BytesOut (n, count) -> pr ", PyByteArray_AS_STRING (%s), %s" n count
-    | BytesPersistIn (n, _)
-    | BytesPersistOut (n, _) -> pr ", %s_buf->data, %s_buf->len" n n
-    | Closure { cbname } -> pr ", %s" cbname
-    | Enum (n, _) -> pr ", %s" n
-    | Flags (n, _) -> pr ", %s_u32" n
-    | Fd n | Int n -> pr ", %s" n
-    | Int64 n -> pr ", %s_i64" n
-    | Path n -> pr ", %s" n
-    | SizeT n -> pr ", (size_t)%s" n
-    | SockAddrAndLen (n, _) -> pr ", (struct sockaddr *) &%s_sa, %s_len" n n
-    | String n -> pr ", %s" n
-    | StringList n -> pr ", %s" n
-    | UInt n | UIntPtr n -> pr ", %s" n
-    | UInt32 n -> pr ", %s_u32" n
-    | UInt64 n -> pr ", %s_u64" n
-  ) args;
-  List.iter (
-    function
-    | OClosure { cbname } -> pr ", %s" cbname
-    | OFlags (n, _, _) -> pr ", %s_u32" n
-  ) optargs;
+  pr "  ret = nbd_%s (" name;
+  pr_wrap ',' (fun () ->
+      pr "h";
+      List.iter (
+        function
+        | _, _, n -> pr ", %s" n
+        ) params);
   pr ");\n";
   List.iter (
@@ -543,23 +520,7 @@ let
        pr "  py_ret = %s;\n" n;
        pr "  %s = NULL;\n" n;
        use_ret := false
-    | Bool _
-    | BytesIn _
-    | BytesPersistIn _ | BytesPersistOut _
-    | Closure _
-    | Enum _
-    | Flags _
-    | Fd _ | Int _
-    | Int64 _
-    | Path _
-    | SockAddrAndLen _
-    | SizeT _
-    | String _
-    | StringList _
-    | UInt _
-    | UIntPtr _
-    | UInt32 _
-    | UInt64 _ -> ()
+    | _ -> ()
   ) args;
   if !use_ret then (
     match ret with

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