[libvirt] Entering freeze for libvirt-1.3.1

Daniel Veillard veillard at redhat.com
Tue Jan 12 01:32:35 UTC 2016

  As suggested this w.e., I just tagged the release candidate 1 in git
and pushed signed tarball and rpms to the usual place:


 This works fine with my limited testing, but obviously more people
need to give it some trial especially on other platforms.
 The output from CentOS CI is mostly green which is a good sign
with just libvirt-daemon-rpm and virt-manager-test in the red, someone
probably need to have a look before we release.

  The rc2 should come in 2 days on Thursday, and unless there is
some blocker I plan to push 1.3.1 over the week-end,

    so please give it some testing !



Daniel Veillard      | Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
veillard at redhat.com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/

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