[libvirt] [PATCH 17/41] remote: refactor how list of systemd unit files is built

Andrea Bolognani abologna at redhat.com
Fri Jul 26 18:01:52 UTC 2019

On Tue, 2019-07-23 at 17:02 +0100, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
> The make logic assumes that the SYSTEMD_UNIT_FILES var can be built from
> SYSTEMD_UNIT_FILES_IN by simply dropping the directory prefix and the
> .in suffix.
> This won't work in future when a single .in unit file can be used to
> generate multiple different units.

IIUC this is mostly for sockets, correct? As in, with the entire
series applied we'll have eg.

    virtqemud.service \
    virtqemud.socket \
    virtqemud-ro.socket \
    virtqemud-admin.socket \
    qemu/virtqemud.service.in \

where virtqemud*.socket are not generated, as the current code
would expect, from virtqemud*.socket.in, but rather from
libvirtd*.socket.in - hence the need for this patch.

Again IIUC there's nothing really stopping us from generating
virtqemud*.service from libvirtd*.service.in, or at least from
a common virtd*.service.in, since eg. virtqemud.service.in and
virtlxcd.service.in are basically identical - it's just that you
haven't unified the generation rules yet.

Assuming I've understood the intent correctly, then the changes
themselves look good, so

  Reviewed-by: Andrea Bolognani <abologna at redhat.com>

Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization

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