[Libvirt-cim] CimTest Report on XenFV 16-04-2008

Deepti B Kalakeri deeptik at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Apr 16 16:18:07 UTC 2008

CIM Test Report for XenFV
Distro      : RHEL 5.2 Beta	
Kernel      : 2.6.18-88.el5xen
Xen version : 3.1.2-88.el5
Libvirt     : libvirt-0.3.3-7.el5
CIMOM       : pegasus
PyWBEM      : pywbem-3.14
CIM Schema  : cimv216Experimental
LibCMPIutil : 72
LibVirtCIM  : 545
CIMTEST     : 85
PASS        : 54
FAIL        : 45 (Test cases FAIL because of finally issue: 19 )
XFAIL       : 2
SKIP        : 30
Total       : 129

Detailed Report
Cleaned log files.
Testing XenFV hypervisor
AllocationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
AllocationCapabilities - 02_alloccap_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 02_nosystems.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 03_defineVS.py: FAIL
ComputerSystem - 04_defineStartVS.py: FAIL
ComputerSystem - 05_activate_defined_start.py: XFAIL    Bug: 85769
ComputerSystem - 06_paused_active_suspend.py: FAIL
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): CIM_ERR_FAILED: Domain not running
ComputerSystem - 22_define_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 23_suspend_suspend.py: FAIL
  File "23_suspend_suspend.py", line 118
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
ComputerSystem - 27_define_suspend_errs.py: FAIL
InvokeMethod(DefineSystem): CIM_ERR_FAILED: ResourceSettings Error: Required field `Address' missing from NetRASD
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: FAIL
  File "32_start_reboot.py", line 117
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: FAIL
  File "33_suspend_reboot.py", line 121
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
ComputerSystem - 35_start_reset.py: FAIL
  File "35_start_reset.py", line 118
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
ComputerSystem - 40_RSC_start.py: FAIL
  File "40_RSC_start.py", line 98
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: SKIP
ComputerSystem - 42_cs_gi_errs.py: FAIL
ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: FAIL
  File "01_created_indication.py", line 83
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 01_forward.py: SKIP
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 02_reverse.py: SKIP
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 03_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 04_forward_errs.py: FAIL
ElementCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: FAIL
  File "03_forward_errs.py", line 58
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
ElementCapabilities - 04_reverse_errs.py: FAIL
  File "04_reverse_errs.py", line 57
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
ElementCapabilities - 05_hostsystem_cap.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 02_reverse.py: FAIL
ElementConforms - 03_ectp_fwd_errs.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 04_ectp_rev_errs.py: SKIP
ElementSettingData - 01_forward.py: SKIP
ElementSettingData - 03_esd_assoc_with_rasd_errs.py: SKIP
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: FAIL
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 02_elecap_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
HostSystem - 02_hostsystem_to_rasd.py: FAIL
HostSystem - 03_hs_to_settdefcap.py: FAIL
CIM_ERR_FAILED: For provider Virt_SettingsDefineCapabilities the library name was empty. Check provider registered location.
HostSystem - 04_hs_to_EAPF.py: SKIP
HostSystem - 05_hs_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 06_hs_to_vsms.py: FAIL
CIM_ERR_FAILED: For provider Virt_SettingsDefineCapabilities the library name was empty. Check provider registered location.
HostedDependency - 01_forward.py: SKIP
HostedDependency - 02_reverse.py: SKIP
HostedDependency - 03_enabledstate.py: SKIP
HostedDependency - 04_reverse_errs.py: SKIP
HostedResourcePool - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedService - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedService - 03_forward_errs.py: FAIL
  File "03_forward_errs.py", line 71
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
HostedService - 04_reverse_errs.py: FAIL
  File "04_reverse_errs.py", line 79
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
LogicalDisk - 01_disk.py: FAIL
LogicalDisk - 02_nodevs.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 03_ld_gi_errs.py: FAIL
Memory - 01_memory.py: FAIL
Memory - 02_defgetmem.py: FAIL
  File "02_defgetmem.py", line 86
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Memory - 03_mem_gi_errs.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 01_netport.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 02_np_gi_errors.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: SKIP
Processor - 01_processor.py: PASS
Processor - 02_definesys_get_procs.py: FAIL
  File "02_definesys_get_procs.py", line 99
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Processor - 03_proc_gi_errs.py: PASS
Profile - 01_enum.py: SKIP
Profile - 02_profile_to_elec.py: SKIP
Profile - 03_rprofile_gi_errs.py: SKIP
RASD - 01_verify_rasd_fields.py: PASS
RASD - 02_enum.py: PASS
RASD - 03_rasd_errs.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 01_verify_refprof.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 02_refprofile_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 03_forward_errs.py: FAIL
  File "03_forward_errs.py", line 69
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 04_reverse_errs.py: FAIL
  File "04_reverse_errs.py", line 68
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 05_RAPF_err.py: FAIL
ResourcePool - 01_enum.py: SKIP
ResourcePool - 02_rp_gi_errors.py: SKIP
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 02_rpcc_gi_errs.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 02_rcps_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 03_CreateResourcePool.py: FAIL
InvokeMethod(CreateResourcePool): CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 04_CreateChildResourcePool.py: FAIL
InvokeMethod(CreateChildResourcePool): CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 05_AddResourcesToResourcePool.py: XFAIL      Bug: 92173
InvokeMethod(AddResourcesToResourcePool): CIM_ERR_FAILED: Unknown Method
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 06_RemoveResourcesFromResourcePool.py: FAIL
InvokeMethod(RemoveResourcesFromResourcePool): CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 07_DeleteResourcePool.py: FAIL
InvokeMethod(DeleteResourcePool): CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
SettingsDefine - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 02_reverse.py: FAIL
CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND: No such instance (virtgst/proc)
SettingsDefine - 03_sds_fwd_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 04_sds_rev_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 01_forward.py: SKIP
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: SKIP
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 04_forward_vsmsdata.py: SKIP
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 05_reverse_vsmcap.py: SKIP
SystemDevice - 01_forward.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 03_fwderrs.py: FAIL
  File "03_fwderrs.py", line 158
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
VSSD - 01_enum.py: SKIP
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VSSD - 03_vssd_gi_errs.py: SKIP
VSSD - 04_vssd_to_rasd.py: FAIL
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 02_vsmcap_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 01_definesystem_name.py: FAIL
InvokeMethod(DefineSystem): CIM_ERR_FAILED: ResourceSettings Error: Required field `Address' missing from NetRASD
VirtualSystemManagementService - 02_destroysystem.py: FAIL
InvokeMethod(DestroySystem): CIM_ERR_FAILED: Unable to retrieve domain name.
VirtualSystemManagementService - 03_definesystem_ess.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 04_definesystem_ers.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 05_destroysystem_neg.py: FAIL
InvokeMethod(DestroySystem): CIM_ERR_FAILED: Unable to retrieve domain name.
InvokeMethod(DestroySystem): CIM_ERR_FAILED: Failed to find domain
VirtualSystemManagementService - 06_addresource.py: FAIL
  File "06_addresource.py", line 96
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
VirtualSystemManagementService - 07_addresource_neg.py: FAIL
  File "07_addresource_neg.py", line 77
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
VirtualSystemManagementService - 08_modifyresource.py: FAIL
  File "08_modifyresource.py", line 99
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 02_vsmc_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: FAIL
  File "05_migratable_host_errs.py", line 87
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 02_vsmsd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 01_forward.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 02_reverse.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 03_vssdc_fwd_errs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 04_vssdc_rev_errs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 02_vs_sservice_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 02_vs_sservicecap_gi_errs.py: PASS

Thanks and Regards,

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