Issue accidentally creating a '--type' defined pool

Michal Prívozník mprivozn at
Wed Oct 4 14:38:02 UTC 2023

On 9/29/23 11:40, Joshua Blake wrote:
> Hello,
> I seem to have accidentally created a pool called "--type", but it
> doesn't appear in 'virsh pool-list'. See below.
> [root at vh01 /]# virsh pool-define-as --name --type dir --target
> /data/storage/
> Pool --type defined
> [root at vh01 /]# virsh pool-list
>  Name     State    Autostart
> ------------------------------
>  isos     active   yes
>  jblake   active   yes
> [root at vh01 /]# virsh pool-destroy '--type'
> error: command 'pool-destroy' doesn't support option --type

You may want to use:

virsh pool-destroy --pool --type


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