The audit "context" and when to expect it.

Casey Schaufler casey at
Fri May 29 21:42:03 UTC 2020

On 5/29/2020 12:01 PM, Paul Moore wrote:
> On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 1:59 PM Casey Schaufler <casey at> wrote:
>> What does a NULL audit context (e.g. ab->cxt == NULL) tell
>> me about the status of the audit buffer? It seems like it should
>> be telling me that the audit buffer is being created for some
>> purpose unrelated to the current task. And yet there are places
>> where information is pulled from the current task even when
>> the cxt is NULL.
> The simple answer is that a NULL audit_context indicates a standalone
> record, meaning a record with a unique timestamp so that it is not
> associated with any other records into an event.  If the audit_context
> it not NULL then the information in the context is used to group, or
> associate, all of the records sharing that context into a single
> event.

OK, so if I want a add a sub-record with the multiple secctx values
for the events that include a subject value I need to change those
events to use an audit_context. Is that going to introduce an
unacceptable memory or performance burden?

> This is just one example, but a non-NULL audit_context is how PATH
> records end up being associated with SYSCALL records in a single
> event.

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