Samba and AuditD

Alan Evangelista alan.vitor at
Fri Feb 12 01:48:57 UTC 2021

First, thanks for the feedback!

AV> I thought that any filesystem operation requested by a user in Windows
    > would necessarily be executed by some user in Linux in the end (...)
    > Is that assumption incorrect?

SG> Maybe. It depends on the implementation. If its all in the kernel, then
probably not.

AFAIK the Samba daemon in Linux just 1) listens to Windows file requests,
2) forwards them to the kernel via syscalls and 3) sends the file operations
return codes back to Windows. There is no user-space filesystem
as in FUSE.

SG> if you can strace the daemon and see it accessing the file system
with the sycalls you expect, then the kernel's audit engine can capture the
access but won't know who to attribute it to.

If I strace the Samba daemon processes, I see the open syscalls called when
I create dummy files in the Windows network drive that is mapped to the
directory via Samba. I still don't understand why the kernel's audit engine
know who to attribute the access to. Doesn't it have access to the files'
Linux user ?

For instance, after creating two dummy files, I have this in the Linux
served by Samba:

$ ls /data -lah
total 8.0K
drwxrwxrwx   2 root         root          48 Feb 11 20:08 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 21 root         root        4.0K Jan 27 10:32 ..
-rwxrwxr-x+  1 aevangelista domainusers    0 Feb 11 20:07 alantest1.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 aevangelista domainusers    0 Feb 11 20:08 alantest2.txt

Shouldn't auditd be able to see that aevangelista is the Linux user ID
related to the open syscall and log it ? Sorry if I'm missing something

Thanks again in advance!
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