[Linux-cachefs] is pathset 19 broken?

Shaya Potter spotter at cs.columbia.edu
Fri Jan 5 19:16:29 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-01-05 at 13:59 -0500, Shaya Potter wrote:

> However, I can make cachefilesd die constantly with this error
> Failed to stat directory: errno 75 (Value too large for defined data
> type)
> blade12_ROOT:/home/helix/cachefilesd-0.8 # ./cachefilesd -s -n
> About to bind cache
> Bound cache
> Daemon Started
> Scan complete
> Refilling cull table
> Failed to stat directory: errno 75 (Value too large for defined data
> type)
> have no clue what's going on to cause that.
> this is a simple dd test (3GB file) to try and quantify throughput
> benefits when nfs is over a 100Mbps link.  The Cache is 3.5GB

and the solution to this is that cachefilesd should not be using fstatat
or stat, but the 64bit equivs, fstat64, stat64.

that fixes it and it works great

        plain nfs - cold cache
3145728000 bytes (3.1 GB) copied, 271.582 seconds, 11.6 MB/s

        plain nfs - warm cache
3145728000 bytes (3.1 GB) copied, 224.018 seconds, 14.0 MB/s

        plain nfs - fs cache - cold cache / cold cache
3145728000 bytes (3.1 GB) copied, 274.771 seconds, 11.4 MB/s

        plain nfs - fs cache - warm cache / warm cache
3145728000 bytes (3.1 GB) copied, 129.457 seconds, 24.3 MB/s

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