[Linux-cachefs] is pathset 19 broken?

Shaya Potter spotter at cs.columbia.edu
Fri Jan 5 20:19:19 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-01-05 at 14:16 -0500, Shaya Potter wrote:

>         plain nfs - fs cache - cold cache / cold cache
>         ----------------------------------------------
> 3145728000 bytes (3.1 GB) copied, 274.771 seconds, 11.4 MB/s
>         plain nfs - fs cache - warm cache / warm cache
>         ----------------------------------------------
> 3145728000 bytes (3.1 GB) copied, 129.457 seconds, 24.3 MB/s

actually there's one problem.  So I unmount the nfs mount, and then
remount it.

the cache should still be there so it should be "cold machine cache" but
warm "fs cache".  In this case, the time for the dd is actually the same
as the cold/cold case.  As if it junked the entire cache, i thought the
cache was supposed to be persisent.  Do I have to do something funky
with mount and some form of id to get that?

Is this to be expected?

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