[Linux-cachefs] kernel panic with cachefilesd and sendmail

DAICON daicon at daicoon.org
Tue Nov 20 08:36:40 UTC 2007

Mr. David Howells.

I confirmed that this problem reproduce on RHEL5.1.
I found that similar problem was reported to bugzilla(redhat.com),
and, to my regret, bug's priority was "low".

So, I was judged that cachefilesd is not at the product level by the above facts.
Though it is sad, I will use Solaris.

I have question.
I found your work at
This kernel works good.

 - Does the development of cachefilesd continue?
 - Does this patch apply to RHEL?
 - If this patch will apply to RHEL, when is time?

I want to know the policy and schedule about cachefilesd.

DAICON <daicon at daicoon.org>

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