[Linux-cachefs] Possible patch for CacheFiles: I/O Error: Unlink failed

gregm at servu.net.au gregm at servu.net.au
Sun Apr 4 02:47:15 UTC 2010

48 hours in now, and no issues at all to report :-)

I actually switched my cache partitions from ext3 to ext4 and noticed a
MASSIVE performance increase.

Thanks to all for the assistance! One very happy sysadmin here :-)


>>> Also - Is it possible to use a RAMdisk for /var/fscache?
>>> This would obviously provide 4GB of super fast caching .
>>> Greg
> Greg
> It was a while ago now but during my test the load avg on the box went
> up to about 70 and using a 1 gig ramdisk mounted on /var/fscache dropped
> the load to about .5 higher then normal.  This howto has the tune2fs
> options in it you need to add or you will get strange issues,
> http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7378/2/
> Hope this helps
> Edward
> --
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