[Linux-cluster] HA agents (cluster scripts)

Cleber Rosa crosa at redhat.com
Wed Sep 15 17:02:44 UTC 2010

  On 09/15/2010 01:37 PM, Ofer Inbar wrote:
> Cleber Rosa<crosa at redhat.com>  wrote:
>>   If they're bash scripts, you might want to try:
>> #bash -x<script>  <arguments>.
> This won't work.  The interface between the resource manager and the
> resource agent script is more than just "run the script".  It includes:
>   - What environment does the script get when run by the RM?
>     - Which includes a lot of parameters passed from the RM to the script
I've never run into issues where a testing "script resource" sys-v like 
script (redundancy intended!) in a shell resulted in  behaviour 
different then one running under rgmanager.

Maybe you're trying to debug other "cluster scripts", that implement 
other resources (such as filesystems, floating IP addresses, etc).

Or maybe my mileage is indeed very very low regarding this...

>   - What metadata must the agent script provide to the RM?
>     - ... and what the RM will do differently based on this metadata
>   - When does the RM call the agent, with which paremeters?
>     - What actions will it take in response to exit codes
>     - What happens to stdout and stderr (answer below)

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