[Linux-cluster] Forcing off KVM Windows guests from rgmanager

Digimer linux at alteeve.com
Tue Nov 1 04:54:57 UTC 2011

Hi all,

  I've run into something of a corner case;

EL6 / cman 3
Win2008 R2 guest

I want to allow my UPS to shut down my cluster when the batteries are
about to fail.

The problem with this is that when I try to stop rgmanager (or even
simply disabling the VM resource), an application on the windows KVM
guest pops up a "Are you sure you want to close X?". This blocks the VMs
shutdown, which leaves rgmanager sitting there indefinitely waiting for
the guest VM to stop and nothing actually shuts down until the batteries

The application in question does not have a "don't prompt me" option, so
I need one of;
* A way to either tell the windows guest to forcibly stop to process.
* A way to have rgmanager pause and write out to disk the state of a VM.
* A way to 'virsh destory' a guest as a special kind of 'clusvcadm -d
...' call.

I'm using the virtio drivers, which I believe (perhaps wrongly) provides
the ACPI hook to start the guest VM.

Any suggestions/ideas? Anything has to be better than waiting and
letting the whole cluster hard power off.

E-Mail:              digimer at alteeve.com
Freenode handle:     digimer
Papers and Projects: http://alteeve.com
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"omg my singularity battery is dead again.
stupid hawking radiation." - epitron

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