[linux-lvm] Debian packaging

Tom Lees tal26 at cam.ac.uk
Sun Dec 17 20:04:05 UTC 2000

On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 07:51:10AM +0100, Russell Coker wrote:
> I have sent him email at his tom at debian.org address.
> If you don't reply to email sent to the package maintainer address and don't 
> fix high-priority bugs in your packages then your packages can be NMU'd 
> without any issue.  After an NMU if there is still no response then they are 
> up for grabs.
> If he doesn't want me to take over the package then he will have to reply to 
> my email.

I have not had much time recently (and probably won't for a bit) for LVM, so
an NMU would be quite appropriate at this stage. However, I'd like to
continue maintaining the package.

Incidentally, the main problem in packaging 0.9 has been that I've been
unable to compile the latest 2.4-test kernels with LVM support (and
therefore unable to test my packages) - otherwise, they're pretty much
ready. I'll try and get this sorted out soon.

>-Tom Lees-< 2nd yr Maths Undergrad/St John's College/University of Cambridge
       -- <Tom.Lees at bigfoot.com> <tal26 at cam.ac.uk> <tom at debian.org> --

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